What is Atopic Dermatitis?

A new role-player in AD:
the skin microbiome

For more


• The human microbiome is composed of all the bacteria normally found on the skin surface

   - These are “good”,  non pathogenic bacteria

   - On the contrary, they protect against pathogenic bacteria that cause infection


• During AD flare-ups, the normal microbiome is diminished, and pathogenic golden staph bacteria

  take over. This certainly explains the heightened risk of impetigo.


• Inversely, right before a flare-up, the number of staph bacteria increases; there is then a solid link

  between staph and flare-ups, but research is still being conducted


• During a non-infected flare-up, and even if the skin is oozing, dermo-corticosteroids reduce

  the number of golden staph bacteria


• Where there’s no recognized infection, ATBs are not recommended. However in cases

  of AD flare-ups some experts recommend diluted bleach baths


• To be continued…